This document was last updated on November 19th, 2022
The real-world testing on the Fathom CCR has been uniquely rigorous. Charlie Roberson and Jon Bernot used their Fathom CCRs (serial # 001 and 002) on the 16.5 hour world-record (26,930 ft/8,208 m penetration) dive at Cathedral Canyon as well as numerous 8 to 14-hour dives at Manatee, M2, and Lineater. Some of the more memorable dives on the Fathom CCR, which really demonstrate its depth capability, were exploration dives exceeding 400 ffw/121 mfw in Weeki Wachee Springs.
While it has certainly proven itself on big dives, the Fathom CCR is smaller and lighter than many units, which coupled with its simplicity makes it ideal for the traveling diver.